7 Myths About Cloud Migration for Agencies

By John O’Shaughnessy, Infrastructure Architect and Senior Consultant

Learn the seven myths keeping agencies from realizing the full benefits of their cloud migration.

Cloud migration has become a necessary process for organizations seeking to modernize their operations. However, in a rush to move, many agencies are unable to realize the value of the migration due to lacking cloud readiness procedures.

During an online webinar with GovLoop, I reviewed common misconceptions (myths) agencies hold that can keep them from getting the most out of their cloud migration.

Myth 1: “The move won’t be complex."

Underestimating the complexity of initial cloud migration

Many companies moving to the cloud expect it to be a quick and easy transition. Although the cloud has many benefits to facilitate operations, it’s important to hold realistic cloud expectations. Some organizations may struggle to see initial success if there is a misalignment between their expectations and reality. This can also look like expecting easy and automatic workload migrations.

Myth 2: “We should move everything, all at once.”

Failure to prioritize key workloads

Not taking the time to identify which of your workloads are most suited for cloud migration can hinder your ability to successfully transition into the cloud. Companies must take time to sort out which of their workloads are best fit for a cloud move in the short term before moving some of the more complex workloads needed for the long term.

Myth 3: “Dependencies will work themselves out.”

Not considering workload dependencies

As companies move into the cloud, it’s important to note each workload’s dependencies. This includes technical dependencies like underlying hardware or software or even process dependencies. For example, moving workloads to the cloud without considering how data is flowing both into and out of the system can lead to poor performance.

Myth 4: “Cloud migration is strictly an IT thing.”

Believing the cloud move is just about technology

A commonly held myth is that cloud migration is purely technical. In reality, moving workloads to a cloud platform involves people, processes, and technology. For example, people-focused initiatives include changes in culture, adoption of new processes, retraining the team on how to perform key tasks, and more.

Myth 5: “Stakeholder buy-in is ideal, but not essential.”

Not gaining full buy-in from key groups and stakeholders

Like any large IT deployment or modernization project, migrating workloads to the cloud requires buy-in at several levels of the organization. This ranges from executive stakeholders to key groups whose current activities will be directly impacted by the change.

Myth 6: “The cloud provider is fully accountable for our security needs.”

Believing that security is the responsibility of only the cloud provider

Although many cloud providers prioritize the cyber safety of their users, it is important to understand that security is a shared responsibility. The shared responsibility model requires ownership from both sides with a mutual understanding that security may become more complex in a cloud-enabled environment.

Myth 7: “We can figure out the details of our service catalog later.”

Not starting from a well-defined service catalog

Agencies must understand the breadth and depth of their compute estate before determining if they are prepared to migrate their workloads to the cloud. It is crucial to have a clear and well-defined service catalog of all IT services, business requirements, service-level agreements, etc., before making the move.

Final thoughts

Conquering these myths will allow organizations to have the right steps in place to successfully migrate their workloads to the cloud. Only after overcoming these common cloud misconceptions will agencies realize the full benefits of operating in a cloud-enabled environment.

More insight: Watch the webinar to learn more about how your agency can prepare for success in cloud migration.

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